Monday, June 10, 2013

A Rat Race

Do you ever get the feeling you're going nowhere in life?

Today, our professor told each and every one of us to stand up, say our names and share a little bit about ourselves. Personally, I thought stuff like that belongs in grade school. She said that she wanted to get know a little bit about us which I doubt. I never really believe teachers want to get to know their students except when the student is a brilliant genius and it would be a benefit to know them then. Anyway, I digress.

Listening to the others, some of them have very interesting lives. Some were married. Some had jobs. Some come from backgrounds you wouldn't expect. When it was my turn to "share" I just told the professor my name and that I was a full-time student. That's all she was after anyway. I didn't say anything about my life or interests; I doubt anyone really cared. I was in no mood to join in on the silliness. The people were having lighthearted fun sharing and breaking the ice. I, on the other hand, just sat back and sank into one of those moods again and I haven't improved since.

Should I be...doing something with my life right now? I'm not talking about something like going to school but something bigger than that. On the other hand, why am I so concerned about such things? Who am I trying to impress? Why the hurry? Life isn't some kind of rat race is it? Why should it matter at all?

Well, there's still so much time, so much ahead. I guess I'll just suffocate while I sit and wait. Maybe it's just impatience. Wait and see, huh?

Maybe something interesting will happen tomorrow like an earthquake or World War Three.

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