Monday, November 5, 2012

Oppa Gangster Style

Just recently, some Koreans in Lapu-Lapu City were almost killed in a shooting allegedly masterminded by another Korean. The motive was said to be gambling debts amounting in the millions. Weeks ago, some other Koreans were busted operating illegal internet gambling rings. Many other incidents have happened in the past of Koreans misbehaving.
Now, I've heard people complain about those no-good Koreans. It's easy to think of them as ingrates who come here to cause trouble but are otherwise behaved in their home country.
Well, that's a little unfair to the Koreans who come here for good reasons like tourism or business. A better thing to do is to ask ourselves why our cities seem to be attracting the seedier types of foreign visitors. When a person travels to another country, they are usually behaved since it's only natural to be cautious in a new environent. However, recent events have shown that the criminal elements of tourists have become more brazen.
Instead of blaming Koreans, we should be worried about ourselves instead, specifically our society. Why is this allowed to happen in the first place? Because they think they can get away with it. With our corrupt officials, lax law enforcement, anemic justice system and an endless supply of poor people to use and abuse, this place might look like a land of opportunity for an enterprising mob boss. Hmm, I wonder if PLDT has a computer package deal for a businessman interested in putting up an illegal online sex/gambling internet cafe...
Face it, they fit right in.

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