Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Miserable Piles And The Secret

My mother lent me a book called, "The Secret". I get the message. I need to be more positive. Well according to the book, which I have not finished yet, there's this SECRET that successful people know and special people have known since the ancient Babylonians or whatever. Now, thanks to the modern miracle of the printing press, everyone can learn the SECRET because a secret this awesome should be known by everyone.

The secret is positive thinking.

Apparently, if you think good, happy thoughts it gathers energy and good vibes around you causing nice things to happen. If you think you're a successful businessman always and see yourself as that, it feeds you energy and eventually it will happen. I dunno.

I wonder if the reverse is true? If you think bad thoughts, I guess bad energy swirls around you. If that were true, I'd be dead by now.

This whole, "think and it will happen", stuff reminds me of that book by Richard Bach. I can hardly remember it but I'm certain it was about teleporting seagulls. Wow, how awesome does that sound? The seagull would think where he was gonna be and -BAM!- there he is. Man, that was sweet. I wish learning how to teleport was the big secret instead of "good vibes" mumbo. If I could teleport at, I feel good just thinking about it.

I'm over here now!

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