Saturday, May 7, 2011


Manny Pacquaio, which henceforth shall be referred to as Pacman, is a world famous boxer. In fact, he could arguably be the best pound-for-pound boxer alive today. Also, he happens to be Filipino.

The reason I'm writing about him is because he has a hyped match coming up against some poor fellow named Mosley. As usual, Pacman's fans are getting all excited and I get all irritated. It's not so much that they like him, go ahead and cheer your idol people, but what annoys me is all this Pinoy pride they suddenly feel. "Pacman is the best boxer in the world so I'm proud of my country." Go ahead and look at any YouTube video of Pacman and the comments are just full of these specific strains of stupidity.

What does the Pacman have to do with being proud of the Philippines? I don't think that we should be proud that our country is so poor, Pacman had to resort to getting punched and punching strangers for a living. We are a Christian country, right? Should we even be applauding boxing, a sport that's all about rocking another man's brain until he passes out for the mere amusement of spectators? Hmm, if I were a devout Christian, that seems...immoral don't you think? And we're all about morality with the RH bill controversy and all, right? But I digress.

Anyway, Pacman is a successful guy, that much is true. He's won championships, he's wealthy, he sings (badly), acts in (terrible) movies and is even a member of Congress. The question is, did he succeed because of his country or in spite of it? Well, there is no answer. One could argue that we should be proud of the Pacman's individual accomplishments instead and praise him for his willpower, courage and determination. Or we could spout gibberish like "Pinoy pride" and attribute his success to being Filipino because the Philippines sucks so much, it toughened him up to deal with all sorts of bullshit like getting punched in the face. You decide.

Also, I hate that Charice singer very much.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Filipinos are the only ones who post comments such as "Sarap maging pinoy," "I'm so glad that I'm Filipino". Idk why they post that, they haven't even done anything to be proud of themselves.
