Friday, May 6, 2011

Death Proof

The White House doesn't want to release the photos of the dead Osama Bin Laden.

I think they should release it. The argument that it would be inflame the Muslim world seems a little shaky. I mean, shouldn't the death of the man alone and describe the details of the shooting be inflammatory enough? What's a couple of photos? Who cares what the "Muslim world" thinks anyway. The "Muslim world" is a faulty idea anyway. Islam isn't a monolithic entity.

We've seen Saddam dead. We've seen Uday and Qusay, or whatever their names,dead. We've seen thousands of Americans die on 9/11. We've seen beheadings even here by the Abu Sayaff. Really, what harm could Osama's head shot be? To be scared of how the "Muslim world" would react is appeasement in my opinion.

I guess we'll just have to wait for THE MOVIE!

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