Saturday, August 28, 2010

Entry For August 28

Well, not much happened this week aside from some people being killed. People in Hong Kong are really mad. I can't blame them. The Chinese are probably used to seeing bumbling officials punished harshly and would like to see the same here. Too bad.

Next week, it's back to school for me. I'm not worried about stressing out again. What I'm worried about is getting my exam papers back. I think I did well but maybe only relatively. The friends I've talked to aren't expecting much. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for this particular teacher who makes it a point to remind us how much we suck and how we're letting all our families down while giving the papers back. It could be the teacher's way of motivating students but then again, that's uncharacteristically optimistic of me.

My aunt just arrived from the United States today. I remember a long time ago, my aunt would bring me to an old arcade in Ayala Mall called Glicos. That arcade was huge. It composed of three floors if I remember right. My aunt would buy me small bag of tokens to play with. I stayed in her apartment when I visited the States. We watched movies in a nearby theater at night then had ice cream. She's a fun and nice person to be around.

Disclaimer: I love all my aunts equally.

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