Sunday, January 3, 2010


2009 was meh.

Anyway my resolution last year was that I wouldn't swear...a lot. I think I kept that resolution, I think I've said "fuck" only 22 times. My resolution this year would be to not eat more than one item of junk food per month, eat less and exercises more. Sound ambitious? Yes. Ridiculous? Oh yes. But if I can keep my fucking mouth clean for one year, I can do this!

What's with all the feng shui BS? Every year its the same people spouting how the year of the tiger or ox or donkey is good for the economy and so forth. Why don't these mystics just admit that bad stuff is going to happen and we are all doomed like the elections. I heard the next president might be a retard but hey, everyone deserves a chance.

Also, I resolve to update everyday no matter how small. My resolutions start tomorrow so I'm off to gorge myself on Twix bars while I still can. Also, I resolve not to procrastinate as much.

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