Monday, September 21, 2009

Open The Valve

Time to open the sewer valve. Let's get some random thoughts out here.

You know that scandal were this South American female athlete got in trouble because they thought she was a man? I thought, "Who cares?" until I saw her. Oh man, she looks huge. She looks like a dude and you could tell everyone was thinking it, even the coach defending her was probably thinking it.

My aunt gave us a stack of DVDs and lo, there was Exit Wounds, a movie by Steven Seagal. "Hell yeah!" I thought. Steven Seagal is a tough cop who would either be giving you a pre-asskicking monologue or kicking your ass. As is Steven Seagal tradition, the villain dies a hilariously violent death. Impaled by a chimney anyone?

I'm gonna watch Surrogates, a movie staring Bruce Willis. Its about people who live their lives through robots called surrogates-ah who gives a rat's ass. I just wanna see Bruce stomp people...I mean robot heads in. From what I understand, the baddies will be robots so I expect Pseudo-philosophical, "Asimov-Lite" rambling about existence and also lots of gratuitous violence. The baddies are robots so its OK.

Still addicted to WOW.

You know, there are some people in this world I would just really love to punch. If I could have one wish, one wish at all, it would be to just give somebody I feel strongly towards a solid punch to the face without consequence. That's it. I'm tired of controlling myself for society's unfair and unnatural laws. I just want to throw a good solid punch on somebody. Not world peace but this. Just once.

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