Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting Hooked WOW

I am getting hooked again. Lately, I've been playing World of Warcraft, the biggest MMORPG and cash cow of blizzard. Slowly but surely I'm getting that feeling. I'm getting addicted to video games again.

Oh yes, I remember fondly of my past addictions. The first addictions I remember were Super Mario, Pac-Man and Tetris collectively on the Famicom. I remember playing Tetris as a youth blissfully unaware that it was propaganda for the worker brick-layers of glorious Russia. Ah, I couldn't even ride a bicycle or reach the top shelf when I played my first video games to death.

Another addiction I remember was Starcraft. Starcraft, a successful RTS created by Blizzard and the state religion of South Korea, was the first RTS I ever played or was it Red Alert 2 which I was also addicted to?. Anyway Starcrack was sweet. The game play was the best and was always tightly balanced. The story which nobody gave two shits about was also well done as was the cinematics, the best part of Blizzard games for me personally.

One addiction I'm not proud of was to a feminine game series, yes a whole series, called The Sims. First it was sissy The Sims and then pantie-waist The Sims 2. Yes, The Sims is now officially for people with a uterus. Check The Sims forums. So much estrogen now that it seeps through my monitor making me aware of my feelings. Even the potential for the sadism of slowly torturing your Sims can't hide the fact that you might as well be wearing a dress. Dollhouse. It was my first simulator and a personal shame. Thankfully, I was later addicted to SimCITY which is the manliest simulator ever.

Addicted to Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 8 and 9, Myst, Riven, Diablo 2 etc. Looking back , I remember in-game dialogue more than school lessons. I may have been an underachiever but nobody could waste time as good as me.

Now Its World of Warcraft. I can feel it sucking my life away, sapping it slowly like bleed status from rend attacks...ITS HAPPENI...

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