Monday, July 20, 2009

The Governor vs. The Mayor Redux

They are at it again.

Recently, our beloved fathead mayor of Cebu and our fabulously unhinged governor traded verbal snipes at each other. Ms.Gov boasts about the province's wealth and this pisses of "His Honor" to no end. So he goes on and says that the province may have a lot of money, but the health care still sucks. He suggested that the Cebu International Convention Center, a project of the governor that is currently sitting around doing nothing, should be converted to a hospital. I don't know if he was serious or not but I'm sure the mayor meant it in an insulting way. Naturally, as all politicians do, IT WAS PERSONAL. So she goes and says that the reclamation project, the mayor's pride, is good only for storing impounded vehicles from the lucrative but shady towing businesses in the city.

This stung. You see, towing companies merrily troll the city like sex tourists in Thailand, looking for cars to clamp and tow. Instead of following the local ordinance regarding towing procedures, they just clamp that piece of shit up and that's that. It's big money. The mayor has his hand into this I'm sure. Mayor was pretty interested in the affairs of the towing business when he was away. His leniency in all this illegal towing is getting some rich people angry. To top it all off, towing companies don't target jeepneys, the worst traffic violators of the bunch because they are a voting force for the mayor probably. Even though I don't like her, the governor's snappy retort warms my stone heart. The mayor flipped out.

In typical trademark batshit overreactions we have come to expect, the Mayor decreed that provincial people would be denied care in the city hospital. Think about that for a minute. Provincial Cebuano are denied care in the Cebu City Medical Center because they are from Cebu Province. I know, It hurts my head too. He even dared people to sue. This reminds me of the time the mayor closed down roads in a mind boggling ploy to get even with the governor or was it us he was trying to get even on? I forget who he hates more, her or us. This is what fucking happens in the Philippines. Provincials have different political allegiances than city officials. They are not even from the same party, her and him. If our country can't be divided enough, we now have city versus province, Cebuano versus Cebuano. The mayor is a big baby. The governor is a big baby. They are all babies. All of them are stupid, thin-skinned, petty, vindictive, arrogant, man-children who are out of touch with reality and should be shot in the public square I'm afraid to say. How did these guys get elected anyway? Oh yeah, the retarded, gullible, vote-selling masses who can't think for themselves and are easily impressed with tits, beer, free shit and empty promises.

But I have to hand it to the governor. For all her hubris and vanity, at least she doesn't drag us all down to hell like the mayor does routinely. That, at the very least, is the only positive I can write about today.

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