Sunday, April 5, 2009

Summer Vacation

If there is one thing I hate about having things to do, it is not having things to do.

When I have nothing to do, I think. When I think, I think about things that piss me off. When I think about things that piss me off, I get pissed off and that is pretty much why summer sucks as much as school days. I sleep late then get up late. Next thing I know, my body clock is all screwed up and then I get insomnia.

I know I have to hike, lift weights and do other painful, mind-numbing things like updating my blog but I procrastinate. You know how people are given seven days to do something, do nothing for six days and sprint on the last day? Summer vacation is like that except its months. This summer, as I always tell myself will be different. I will form the mental discipline necessary to do productive things and shape up in my free time. I also plan to update my blog more frequently. Maybe, When I get off my ass.

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