Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Slow People

I could not update last Monday even though I planned to. The DSL went dead on me for some reason. As a result I had to hold all the hatred and bile in me until now. I'll keep this short and sweet.

You know what I really hate? Slow people. No not retards, but people who walk slow. Everyday when I walk down the college halls I run into these morons. It's always three girls and a gay guy. THREE GIRLS AND A GAY GUY. They just strut slowly down the hallway taking their sweet time while me and other more important people have to wait for them to haul their worthless asses. Goddammit, I really hate these people. Their always talking about meaningless shit too. Did you hear about the ...blah blah yadda yadda. Bullshit. They are always laughing and giggling, going on like clucking chickens. Not a damned care in the world. I wish I could waste other people's time as well as these idiots.

Maybe I'm too cruel. Maybe they don't notice what terrible assholes they are being. But I don't see how it's possible not to notice a long line of people behind them who all want to kill them. So we do what our "polite" society tells us to. We say "Excuse me." Still they don't fucking get it! They just move an freaking inch to the side! What am I, a contortionist? Blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. Man, I just really wish society would just give up this courtesy thing just once and allow us to simply ram these people down instead of asking to be excused like in China or something. It's much more efficient really. Blah blah blah yadda...BAM!

These slow people just don't think of others. My message to these people is to be alert. Please make way for people who actually want to make something of their lives. Granted sometimes I block the way myself but at least I HAVE A BRAIN to perceive when others are waiting for me to move unlike these slow people. Maybe they are retarded. Hmm.

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