Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

First of all, wouldn't it be messy having the cheese on top? Just imagine putting your grubby, dirty, ass-scratching fingers on a sticky, gooey bun. How are they going to wrap this in paper?

Secondly, what damn difference does it make if the cheese is on top? I don't think it would be so radically different from having the cheese in the middle. The cheese in the middle...gee, what a novel concept.

How about a burger where the meat is on top, buns in the middle and cheese in the end? There. Fire the clown who made this up and hire me. I'll make the first meat-bun-cheese burger on the planet. (My idea;Pls dnt steal lololol /sarc)

What a load of crap.

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