Monday, October 24, 2016

Unhappy Marriage

So we're "separating" ourselves from the United States now, whatever that means. You can never tell with Duterte. 

"Separation" is a loaded word. This joke has probably been made before but perhaps he meant it as a lawyer would. We are legally separated from the US. It wasn't an annulment or a divorce. The marriage is still on because the state has an interest in keeping Filipinos miserable together. Thank God for that! 

Does this mean the US still has visitation rights? What about support? Seems we don't want any of their aid. That's an interesting question. Can support be waived? I'm sure a child can't. But the Philippines is all grown up now and doesn't need his white papa telling him what to do. We don't need papa Sam to deal with that Chinese bully on the playground; a bully that happens to have more soldiers, tanks and planes that we can even begin to fathom. They have nukes too but our constitution forbids us from having nuclear weapons. Our moral high ground is unassailable at least.

So what did we get out of Duterte's trip to China. Well, we got some deals of questionable value. It's interesting that we respond to China's saber-rattling by indebting ourselves to them, as if China needed any more leverage. But good news! China just recently gave us permission to fish on our own territory. Isn't that kind of them? Now we're getting contracts from Chinese companies drenched in corruption. It's a perfect fit.

This deal is getting worse all the time.

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