Sunday, October 9, 2016

Genius or Idiot?

There are two ways to look at Duterte.

The first way is to look at him is that he is a master politician, a real Machiavellian type. After all, he has thirty years of experience as a Mayor and practiced Law before that as well. Everything he does is tactical and with good reason. The whole lashing out against the international community, America in particular, is just red meat for his supporters. He will bring about genuine change and put the country on the right track politically, socially and economically. Duterte knows the real score and in the end, he will do what's in the best interests of the Philippines.

The second way to look at him is that he really is an idiot. He's a dirty loudmouth who believes his own hype and got elected merely by virtue of the sheer ineptness of the previous administration and the people's hunger for change. He's  a one-trick pony whose only gimmick is summary executions of criminals. He's a no-good leftist who honestly buys into the red propaganda and blames "the West" for all our problems and is putting our standing in the world at risk. It's possible he's an agent or a shill for the Chinese.

Take your pick. You know, life is full of ironies. One of my favorites is that we live in an age when so much information is at our fingertips yet people are still as uninformed as ever. So go with whatever version of reality you want, you idiot. Whatever happens, happens.

Pray reality never rears its ugly head.

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