Sunday, September 11, 2016

Senator Pacquiao

So I saw a news segment recently about how people have "mixed reactions" to Manny Pacquiao's decision to keep boxing despite being elected a Senator of the Republic of the Philippines. People are concerned that this would split his focus and he wouldn't be able to serve the country well with him training and all. 

For me, it's the opposite. I'm very happy that he's boxing again. This means that he won't be working hard as a senator and therefore, he won't do as much damage to the country as he normally might.

The people expressing dismay over Manny's life choices operate from the mistaken premise that the Senate, and the entire legislative branch of the country for that matter, are doing good for the country. Nope. The legislature is filled with either incompetent celebrity boobs or corrupt greedy assholes. It's not an institution worthy of trust.

To put it simply, a senator that's not working is a senator that's not screwing over the Filipino people. Good on Manny. Let him box. In fact, his track record as the number one absentee back when he was in the House is something to celebrate. By not doing anything, he's doing great! Thanks for not causing damage!

Besides, Manny isn't exactly senator material. I won't say he's dumb like other people assume because he's not. He's probably more knowledgeable in the art of boxing than the average person. His intelligence lies in the sweet science but on the senate floor? Perhaps not so. But could you imagine what would happen if Manny Pacquiao devoted his entire physical and mental energies on his senatorial gig? Can you imagine the chaos that a barely comprehensible, religious nut like him can cause? We should be grateful he seems more inclined to hurt Mexicans than us Filipinos.

You be you, Manny.

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