Sunday, July 3, 2016

Cebu Flood 2016 Edition

You know, you'd think that since we're a tropical country, we would anticipate things like this. But it seems it just keeps happening. What a terrible Friday that was. It rains for an hour and suddenly everything goes down the toilet. Granted, it was a particularly strong rain but the effects of it were disproportionate. Major portions of the city were paralyzed, commuters stranded and misery everywhere.
Philippine weather has two settings: intolerably hot and unbearably wet.
It was the two infrastructure problems of Cebu coming together in a marriage made in hell: bad traffic and bad  flood drainage. Oh, but I'm sure our leadership is hard at work on this. We've only had this problems for years. Killing a few criminals should fix this. That's the only solution our leaders seem to obsess over.

Wait till it's dry season and we forget about the other half of the year.

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