Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Two Cities

I was gone the last two and half weeks to visit relatives in California. That was my fourth trip to that state, I think, and the sense of excitement that you get from visiting America for the first time lessens every subsequent trip you make. Not to say the whole trip was a bad experience but your perspective changes and you begin to see that the problems first world people face are not that different from us here in the third world "developing" countries.

Take water for instance. Cebu was in the middle of a nasty drought when I left. The rains have come at last, for all the good (and ill) that brings, but rainfall in California has been inadequate for the past five years. You wouldn't know it from all the lovely green lawns in suburbia but elsewhere was a depressing swathe of brown. We passed a small wildfire in fact, on the highway. All that dead grass makes good kindling for a stray cigarette thrown from some careless tourist's car window.

Traffic too was noticeably worse than my previous visits though still not as bad as the traffic here in Cebu. Manila traffic is in a whole different level of hell, of course. But it was plain to see that the car culture that pervades L.A. and it's neighboring cities is pressing its limits. They still have much room to solve the problem unlike the conditions here where limited space, over-development and lack of government funds make solutions difficult. If only our political leadership cared more about the development of the city instead of their petty political feuds and pretentious posturing.

It was nice to see the rest of the family again.

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