Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fanboy Tommy

Tomas Osmena is Mayor again and already he's running his mouth on how he's going to promote the kind of "justice" Duterte is known for. Taking the election of El Jefe as a sign that vigilantism is now socially acceptable (possibly), he's trying to pick up where he left off. Recently, he promised fifty thousand pesos to policemen for each criminal killed. 

Mind you, this post isn't so much about the killings as it is the distasteful and unbecoming attitude of our newly elected Mayor. If you ask me, I think he's a poser and probably compensating for something. He's like an entitled brat playing tough guy. He may do what he thinks he must, but he'll never have the charm and charisma Duterte has and that's really not saying much. He's just a fanboy who wishes he was like his idol. What a joke.

Today, a suspected robber was killed by a policeman and already Tomas is boasting how he's going to pay the officer a reward. When asked by reporters about where this blood money comes from, the Mayor simply responded that it was "none of their business". Wow! Ka isog! Well, if the money comes from the public coffers, it kinda is our business, Tommy. Perhaps by saying it's none of our business, he's implying he's paying it out of his own wallet? In that case, I respect him for being willing to personally bankroll vigilantism; putting his own money where his mouth is.

Already Tommy is publicly bragging that it's one for Tommy and zero for Duterte in the imaginary scorecard for kills. How cringe-worthy. He's like that kid in class who thinks he's the hot shit but you just end up feeling embarrassed for.

Perhaps I'll write about my thoughts on vigilantism tomorrow.

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