Monday, March 28, 2016

The Strongman

If you had asked me five or so months ago, whether Duterte would become the next President of the Philippines, I would have told you that it wasn't going to happen. But now? 

He's close. I don't know whether to be glad or not for being wrong. The man is in the top three now, virtually neck and neck with Grace Poe. 

I said before I have no real interest on who wins since, for me, the Philippine elections is a rigged game. It is however, quite something to imagine a Duterte presidency. What will it be like? The most extreme fantasy is that we will become like Davao; all orderly with the bad guys being summarily executed by roving death squads. You wish. 

It really is a mystery as to what will happen. However, things will probably carry on as usual except that law enforcement will be stronger one way or another. What troubles me about Duterte is his support for that disastrous Bangsamoro plan. He says he is for federalism, which is nice, but I hope it isn't to the degree that he'd be willing to see a group outright secede from the Philippines. 

Will he continue with the tough guy act? Can he really implement his style of doing things in Davao to a whole country? Are Filipinos prepared for the consequences?

One thing's for sure: this election season has gone on for too long. Just get it over with already.

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