Thursday, February 11, 2016

Election Period

The election period for President officially began last Tuesday, although, you'd think it had already begun a long time ago with the way the candidates have been carrying on. Hell, I know Binay was campaigning for President five whole years ago when I attended a forum where he was a guest speaker. The forum was about "good governance" but all I got was his list of accomplishments and several propaganda materials. He put himself over, to put it mildly.

It's amusing that the media is going on about how important it is to monitor how the candidates are conducting their campaigns. Oh, so only NOW do we pay attention since the election period has started. I guess everything before the period is just bygones, huh? Technically, election offenses can only be committed in the election period so if you want to go all out with your tricks, you might as well do it before the period starts. That's Election Law for you: illogical and inutile.

As you've probably figured out by now, I'm not too excited about the elections. 

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