Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Best in German (Social) Engineering

About that migrant crisis, Germany wants the rest of the EU nations to take in their fair share of migrants.

All of the goings on in Europe seem insane to me, who normally takes the realist perspective in international affairs. The proposed solutions just raise more questions.

Just how will these quotas be determined? Is it based on some kind of metric like how much a nation can realistically hold or is it arbitrary amounts? Land size?

Supposing a nation is assigned a certain number of migrants, which migrants will it get? Are they going to shuffle the migrants that have already arrived around or is it new arrivals?

Suppose a migrant wants to stay in Germany but gets assigned in some other country, what's to stop that migrant from just packing up and leaving for his preferred country? Could the EU realistically force migrants to stay put in certain countries to meet a quota?

This is all very interesting. If only something like this happened when I was still in my Political Science days. Globalization was the trend back then and it got pretty stale.

We shall see.

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