Monday, September 28, 2015

Do Me A Flavor

Hearthstone, Blizzard's online card game which receives way too much attention than it deserves, recently released its newest expansion pack, The Grand Tournament. It features all new cards with a jousting theme.

I dabble in Hearthstone a little. It's a distraction. While I can't say much about the cards and the current "meta", I will say I am sorely disappointed with the flavor text of these cards.

Flavor text is usually a bunch of extra lines card games put into their cards to add a little fluff, humor or even backstory to their cards. Magic: The Gathering, for example, frequently added flavor text. It ranged from snappy, one-line zingers to quotes from real or fictional people.
With Hearthstone, it's all garbage. Granted, it was never supposed to be serious stuff. It was all supposed to be tongue-in-cheek humor. Still, are these corny or what? With the new cards, they aren't even trying anymore and this from a company that's known for the Blizzard "polish".

I'm nitpicking, I know. Of all the things to complain about, flavor text is the bottom of the list but for God's sake, at least before they were trying to be funny. Now it's just cringe-inducing.

Yeah, it's a slow day.

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