Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Election Crap 2016

Aren't you sick of all the garbage on the news about the upcoming elections? All those asinine questions and tedious predictions are giving me a headache.

The stupidest question so far is: "Who's Pnoy going to endorse?" Isn't it obvious? Pnoy is going to endorse Mar Roxas. Who else? Look at Pnoy's history and you'll learn that he always picks his favorite parasites, close "allies" and shameless sycophants. Mar is the most disgustingly loyal toadie of the yellow brand so of course he's gonna get Pnoy's vote of confidence. Who else can Pnoy rely on to shield his sorry ass from lawsuits after his presidency is over?

Grace Poe... all I heard is that she's popular and that's about it. What does she stand for? What are her major accomplishments? Nobody's asking. All that matters is that she's "popular". Why though? The cynic in me clawed its way out of my chest to tell you that she's only popular because of her famous action movie star father, Fernando Poe.

Binay? "The devil you know" is still a goddamned devil. It'll be amusing to see if he can dig himself out of the hole his rivals have so kindly dug for him. Even better to see if he does win. Imagine the rampage of revenge he'll unleash if he wins.

Duterte? I wish if only just to throw those asshats in Manila for a loop.

The COMELEC is a mess. So we're not doing automated voting anymore and going back to manual? Wait, not manual? Half-automated and half-manual? Jesus Christ. Well I'm sure they're giving it a good effort. I mean, voting is only the central lynchpin of our fragile democracy. It's only the will of the people at stake so no rush guys, take your time.

There's a proposal the geniuses in government have come up with to hold the elections inside malls. Might as well. I mean, Filipinos do everything at the mall nowadays. People even hold mass at the mall. Might as well make our devolution into a materialism-obsessed moral wasteland complete.

What a pain in the ass.

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