Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Free Breakfast

Nothing irritates me more than reading the newspaper and finding out about McDonald's celebration of "National Breakfast Day". They celebrate by handing out the first thousand Sausage Mcmuffins for free.

"National Breakfast Day"? I celebrate breakfast everyday but now there's a special day for it? It's just some made up thing by McDonald's for publicity.

What irritates me is that there are pictures of people lining up early in the morning for "free" food. The lines are long with people standing around for hours. What a load of crap.

There's no such thing as "free". It's not free because they spent a lot of time lining up and waiting for their "free" food. Time is valuable. To say that they paid nothing for their meal is ridiculous. They could have spent that time doing something else worthwhile. Unless of course, this means that their time is totally worthless such that they can afford to wait hours to eat when they can eat at anytime.

I hate that this stunt by McDonald's is getting more attention than it deserves.

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