Monday, July 15, 2013

Lion's Share

The government came out with a peace deal today that gives the MILF (Moro-Islamic Liberation Front), our very own Muslim insurgency group, their piece of the pie and what a piece it is. Seventy five percent of the profits from resources mined? That's the price of peace?

Normally, sane societies don't cede anything to rebels and terrorist groups like the MILF, would be wiped off the map rather than "negotiated" with. But seeing as how our military just cannot put down the threat and our dear dismissive President is all too eager to take the easy route and just give them the money to shut them up, I guess this was inevitable. The lesson here is that force wins if only eventually. Make no mistake; this is a failure for the country. I doubt the peace will be lasting, knowing them.

On the bright side, all that money might cause them to fight among themselves and they'll kill each other.

That's the plan maybe?

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