Friday, March 29, 2013

Kim of the North

North Korea today is threatening to fire missiles at the United States specifically, at Washington DC, Los Angeles and...Texas?

Of course everyone knows they're not gonna do it. Crazy? Yes. Suicidal? No. I doubt they even have the capability to launch a strike.

Nevertheless, watch the skies.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Barely Qualified (Warning: Rambling)

Yesterday, I wrote about Nancy Binay and how a person with so little accomplishments could rise up among the top five of the Senatorial bets for the Philippines.

What does it take to be a Senator of the Republic of the Philippines?

Not much actually. All you need is to be a natural born citizen, at least thirty five years of age during the election, a resident of the Philippines for not less than two years, a registered voter, able to read and write and must have a pulse. That's all it takes.

Have you ever wondered why the Law demands so little? Why are mediocre candidates like Nancy Binay allowed to run and probably (inevitably) win? Why not have, as an additional qualification to the list, a PhD? There we go! To be elected to office in the Philippines, let's require a PhD. Surely, this will guarantee that only the brightest will be chosen as our leaders.

Of course, I'm just kidding.

The thought that only the most intelligent and accomplished people should be the leaders of this country sounds rational at first. But I'll let you in on a little secret; people AREN'T rational. What kind of leader one desires varies from person to person. It is impossible that everyone uses the same criteria to judge fitness for leadership. Let me give an example.

My ideal candidate is someone who has been educated in Economics and has ample experience in the private sector. He or she is free-thinker and a classical Liberal who is a staunch defender of free speech and religion. My ideal candidate, while an advocate for civil liberties, is a fiscal hawk who's main objective is to cut government waste and ineffective welfare programs that encourage the poor to be dependent in exchange for political loyalty. He or she would also be a federalist who believes in fulfilling the constitutional promise of decentralized government. My ideal candidate would also have to be a capitalist. He or she would also posses a strong moral character and is incorruptible. (Pure fucking fantasy)

Compare this mythical creature to the kind of candidate a poor fellow in the slums would believe in. Imagine a man, a man with dark brown skin from working in the hot sun all day. He's in chronic muscle pain and due to a habit of chain smoking and hard liquor, looks twice his age. Imagine him now pushing a heavy wooden cart filled with rusty scrap metal on top and three children and a baby riding in a compartment below. His wife looks just as old as he does but is pregnant with their fifth. They both live in a shanty on a riverbed that could be washed away at any second by a flash flood, with their bedridden great grandmother and three-legged dog. Put yourself in the shoes of any typical wretch infesting the God-forsaken slums of the inner city and ask yourself what kind of candidate you'd believe in.

Imagine my candidate, all eloquent and intelligent, dressed in a sharp suit, blonde haired and blue eyed, talking in both perfect English and deep Tagalog about nonsense like "fiscal sustainability", "foreign investment", "energy independence" and "free market". Now compare him to a candidate who is plain and nonthreatening, has the "common touch", can dance and sing (if only just barely), has a name related to a celebrity, and spouts off the odd word about "God" and "the poor" and also PROMISES TO GIVE YOU FREE STUFF if you elect him or her. If you were dirt poor and can barely scrape two pesos to buy half a piece of bread, who would you vote for? The stuck-up rich smartass who "can't possibly understand what you're going through" or the person who seems like a nice guy who just wants to give you a helping hand?

The point I'm trying to make is that different people seek different qualities for their leaders. These qualities you CANNOT legislate. You cannot add as an additional requirement of "must have a heart" or "must be a nice guy" because that would be undemocratic. 

The Constitution, ironically made by people who were more educated than most of the population, understands that there are just some things that are impossible to take into consideration. The Constitution cannot mandate that only candidates like mine can run because what I want might not be what Juan de la Cruz from Villa Luz wants and vice versa. So the Constitution leaves it as open and as wide as it can within reason to allow the largest possible pool of candidates to flow into the arena, the idea being that the people themselves will decide what kind of candidate is best for the nation. The age, residency and literacy requirement is really only there as a minimum threshold of competence and to make sure we don't accidentally elect a Tarsier.

The perfect candidate cannot be legislated into existence. The spirit of democracy is that the people choose their leaders. Who am I to decide what is best for another? So open the gates then. From the broad mass of potential candidates, from the Nancy Binays to the celebritard actors, it is in this manner that the true WILL OF THE PEOPLE is made manifest and will decide what is best. This is how it works.

It's up to the people to fill the blanks and you know what? I'm proud of my country. I'm proud to be a Filipino. I am proud we have a candidate like Nancy Binay as a shoo-in for Senator. Why? Because we have been given a special gift; a gift called Democracy. We can proudly say that we are a truly free nation charting our own destiny. We have a system that allows the true spirit of the nation, it's want and desires, to be reflected and expressed in it's leaders. And that spirit is the spirit of mediocrity and incompetence, the true character of the people revealed. Very few nations on Earth can boast of a government that truly enjoys the full faith and confidence of its people. But here? We freely elect idiot actors, imbeciles, housewives and scumbags because we, like battered women, believe in our hearts that we can change them and if not, we can do better next time. Despite everything, we are no slaves to foreign masters but only to our fellow Filipinos. Our leaders may be assholes BUT they're OUR assholes. Isn't it beautiful in a way? We have the government we truly deserve. Everything is as it should be. The system works. This is what the people desire. 

I believe it was Manuel L. Quezon who said, "I'd rather run like hell than be in a heaven run by Filipinos." ...I think?

God bless us everyone!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Negative Nancy

I've gone over my blog and discovered two things; that this blog technically isn't a journal and that I've been writing about video games too much. So I'd like to talk about politicians and qualifications. Let me begin the first part by talking about a person named Nancy Binay.

Nancy Binay is one of the many candidates running for the Senate. She's also the daughter of current Vice President, former Mayor if Makati City and "trapo", (traditional politician in a negative sense)  Jejomar Binay.

Her credentials are unspectacular to put it kindly. She has no experience in the government service and politics whatsoever. I'm sorry but "personal assistant" to your Mayor father doesn't count as government experience. As far as I can tell she's had no experience in the professional world either and spent a good part of her life as a housewife tending to her family. According to an interview, her name was placed on a list of candidates without her consent. When "they", and when I say "they" I mean the elite power-brokers, didn't remove her name when she asked them to, she just simply decided to roll with it.

So here we have a plain, unremarkable woman who's only achievement was being the daughter of a rich big shot politician, running for the high position of Senator of the Philippines on the first go and she didn't even decide herself to do it. Does something seem off to you?

Now, I don't mean to insult Nancy Binay. I don't know her on a personal level and I'm not one to judge how a person lives his or her life. I'm just stating facts. I'm not trying to be nasty but this is the position of Senator we're talking about. Yeah, it's kind of important don't you think?

When I think of all the possible people who could be a Senator of the Philippines, my humble opinion is that Nancy Binay may not be the best person for the job so sue me.

So why am I talking about this? Well, this post is meant to be a prelude to the one tomorrow where I'll expound a little on the concepts of politicians and merit but for now consider this:

The depressing (though not surprising) thing of it all is that despite Nancy's credentials, or severe lack thereof, she managed to get into the number fifteen spot on the list of senatorial candidates. What does that mean? It means that she got on the top fifteen by her name alone. It means that she's that close to getting an on the list of the next twelve Senators. It means that for the voters, merit is unimportant. It means that we are all brand names now. It means that despite the hooting and hollering, the people want political dynasties.

All according to plan.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Morrowind and Skyrim: Contrasts in Dialogue

I've been playing Morrowind and Skrim side by side recently and something really struck out. Communicating with NPCs in Skyrim is a lot more tedious than in Morrowind. "Why is this?" you might wonder since the dialogue in Morrowind consists of long lines of text and the dialogue in Skyrim is fully voice acted. Well, there are a lot of factors as to why.
The voice acting in Skyrim is bad. The same actors voice a lot of the characters and this makes conversation tedious. The same voice actors seem to repeat themselves over and over again. The voice acting isn't really that good too. The fake "Nordic" accents are hilarious. I don't know about you but I find this distracting. At least the major characters have unique voices sort of but sometimes, the actor pulls "double duty" on other NPCs.
In Morrowind, the voice acting is repetitive in a sense that NPCs share the same voice set according to their race. However, this is limited to greetings and simple comments so it's not as distracting. The bulk of the dialogue is written down. The advantage here, is that I can focus on what the character is actually saying instead of getting distracted by repetitive and poor voice acting.
There's also an advantage to having written dialogue. You can put anything in it! Having dialogue fully voiced is expensive which may explain the repetitiveness. Hiring enough actors to avoid repetitiveness isn't cheap. The result is that written dialogue may come out as being better in quality since it isn't constrained as much as spoken dialogue.
There are exceptions of course. Many games are fully voice acted and have nice dialogue but I guess this is just a gripe I have with Skyrim. I believe there was a lack of effort in Skyrim when it came to communication.
It's just my opinion though.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I had a sudden craving for Hopia (a kind of bean cake) for some reason. I went to a bakeshop across the college and man, it tastes like crap.
You know, it's more cake than filling? I need to get some quality Hopia soon or I'll be in a bad mood.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The newest SimCity was just released and oh boy, I've read some bad things about it.
I'm a big SimCity fan. I've been a fan since I played the first one that came with a six-in-one pack of Simulators. SimCity 2000 and 3000 were both awesome but SimCity 4 is probably the best city simulator this wretched, unworthy planet deserves. Imagine how happy I was upon hearing the news that a new SimCity was coming and then imagine the soul-crushing disappointment that came when I learned it would be an  oversimplified, "multiplayer"(???) and always-online DRM piece of crap. The last one, I absolutely cannot stand.
Basically, you need to be always online to even play the game. Worse, the cities you make are saved on a cloud and you can't reload from different saves of the same city. The cities are small and you share the region with other players. What is it about games today that always jam multiplayer into everything. SimCity is one of those games people play alone because they're trying to build the mega city of their fucking dreams and don't need the input of a bunch of noob idiots.
I guess SimCity is an MMO now or something. Christ. First Hitman and now this.
Game over, man...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Silt Sunrise

It's in my ear and there to stay.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Same Old

Just when I resolve to update everyday, the Internet goes out when I'm about to get started.
You know what I hate about Sunday? There's always the feeling that, "Tomorrow is a new week. I'm going to start Monday right. It's gonna be a great week." Then it all goes to shit, you slack off and go downhill from Wednesday begging for Friday to end. Week after week, you think you're gonna do right then don't.
Maybe this week will be different?