Thursday, February 28, 2013

Write On

I remember this Creative Writing teacher guy who said you should write stuff everyday even if it's bad and terrible. I need to remember to do that.
Nobody is born a genius at art or writing. They say one has to make tons of shitty work before they even begin to get good. Well, this is a lot of shit so far.
I've given up on trying to write epic stories with big worlds and stuff. I think I'm going about it wrong. Maybe a collection of short stories would be better and work from there.
Must not procrastinate...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

All The World

Do dreams have meaning?

Last night I dreamt I was a detective or rather, playing a detective in a theatre. It's strange. A friend from high school was there and people were watching the rehearsals.

It all seemed so surreal.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Random Dota 2 Rant

I like to play DOTA 2 once in a while. For those unfamiliar, it's a game where players choose a hero and fight each other to destroy the other team's ancient or throne or whatever.

I play with friends sometimes though I often play alone. I've been meaning to rant about this particular incident and kept this post in the drafts but it's time to let it out.
See this guy? Let me talk about this guy.

His name is Sylla the Lone Druid (used to be Syllabear) and that's his spirit bear (custom skin). He can summon the bear as his first ability and it's no fucking joke; the bear has hit points up to 1400 at level one and can root enemies later as an ability. His other abilities: Rabid and Synergy, increase their movement speed and abilities. His ultimate, True Form, turns him into a bear with toughness and damage to boot. His play style revolves around him and his bear. The spirit bear can entangle opponents and acts as a damage absorber and as another source of damage. It's like having two heroes for the price of one, really. Syllabear is a "carry" hero so he and his bear need a lot of items to be effective in the late game.

Now on to the misery.

So get this; this weirdo guy picks Lone Druid as our only late game carry and demands the middle lane. "Sure." we agreed since he could benefit greatly from the levels and gold in that lane. We trusted the guy and I guess that was our mistake. We should have looked at what he was doing to us. We should have paid attention...

When the mid-game rolled around we were getting pressured at the bottom lane. Just when all hope seemed lost, an orange pip on the minimap showed that Lone Druid was coming to our aid from the jungle! Except the bastard was alone and didn't have his spirit bear.

At first, me and my lane partner thought it was a mistake and he forgot to take his bear with him when he was farming jungle creeps. Alas, the minimap showed that there was no bear in the jungle. There was no bear anywhere at all.

"Oh, he's gonna summon it right now." I thought. No such luck.

My teammate died while LD was busy throwing his sickle shit pretending to do damage. The enemies got away and we lost the tower. I couldn't do anything since I was DAzzle and didn't have a snare and  the damage output of say, a BEAR?

As the game and momentum moved against us, we asked LD plainly, "WHY NO BEAR?"

He didn't answer. I vaguely remember him saying everything was alright. Lord, it wasn't. I looked at his skill build and he had points in everything but Spirit Bear. I know some skill orders are not set in stone and that some asshole probable has a "viable" no bear build or whatever but come on people. Why would you NOT get the goddamn bear? It's like playing Pudge without points in Meat Hook. It's like playing Soccer without kicking the ball. It's like playing Chess without moving your queen. YOU ARE KICKING YOURSELF IN THE ASS. I don't care what people say, not getting the Spirit Bear is a bad idea and this guy was the only late game carry we had. He went AFK too, the corn kernel topping of our shit cake.

I ragequitted. It was the very first time I did so in DOTA 2. I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination but I wish people who pick a hero have some idea of what they're getting into. I mean come on! All promotional material of Lone Druid show him with his bear. All pro games with Lone Druid have him rolling with his bear at level one. They should have kept the BEAR in SyllaBEAR so people could get a fucking clue!. He's all about bears Goddamnit. BEARS!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013


This Sunday there's going to be a "mock Bar" exam on Remedial Law which is mandatory for me.

It seems I must learn and re-learn everything about Civil and Criminal procedure.

This is one of those times I doubt I have what it takes.

Personally, I think this is some kind of money-making scheme.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Dy-Nasty Business

The activists are in that mood again. There's been a lot of calls for Congress to pass a law defining "political dynasty" so that we can finally enforce its prohibition. But asking Congress to pass a law defining political dynasties is like asking the Colombian cartel to stop selling cocaine and go into dry cleaning. It ain't gonna happen.

So what's the big deal? Why are political dynasties such a concern? I'm glad you asked. The idea here, as behind the provision in the Constitution as well, is to provide "equal opportunity" for more qualified people to run. OK, cool. So...what's stopping them?

No, seriously. What's stopping these mythical creatures, these more qualified candidates, from running? That's a rhetorical question. We know the answer. They're not running because the political dynasties are actively stopping them. They won't run because they won't win and they know it.
Philippine society doesn't want fresh leaders. It wants the same thing over and over again. It wants corruption and incompetence. It wants dynasties and celebrities. What else can we conclude based on what we see before our eyes? It's these assholes that keep winning every time. Where are the heroes?
Dynasties are a distraction. Dynasties are not the real issue. The real issue is how our society seems completely incapable of producing and electing qualified, serious and brilliant leaders. The reason for this is that Philippine society, for the most part, are composed of the ignorant and unwashed masses of the poor, stupid and hungry. I'm not being an asshole, this is reality. This mass of people, which form the majority, are simply ill equipped to select among themselves quality leaders of substance. It's not their fault. You cannot expect a genius visionary to rise from the slums of Tondo. Our civil society is weak therefore our leaders must come from somewhere else. Our leaders must come from the group of people who are well educated and most importantly, very rich. Our leaders will have to come from the elite.
Now the elite produce the leaders but they must produce leaders that can address (or pretend to) the needs of the masses. In the end, it is the masses who cast the votes and not the activists. So the elites are not entirely to blame. It is a self-reinforcing cycle. The poor elect leaders who will just give them stuff regardless if they're corrupt. The elite produce corrupt leaders who will give them stuff but keep them poor because they're corrupt. Nobody is fooling anyone. This is all our fault.
The masses want cash assistance. The masses want free condoms. The masses want free house and lot. The masses want leaders who take care of them. The masses want leaders who will do all of their hard thinking for them. The masses want leaders who won't demolish their illegal shanties. The masses want leaders who have the "common touch" (i.e. actors and celebritards).
The masses don't want strict leaders. The masses don't want leaders who will enforce the law. The masses don't want frugal party-poopers. The masses don't want to hear leaders telling them to behave. The masses don't want leaders who are too smart. The masses don't care about corruption or incompetence so long as their "needs" are met.
It's all about the abysmally low standards we set for our leaders.
So what we end up are people who elect leaders based on how well they can provide for them and their pleasing personality instead of actual competence and integrity. We create a chain of dependency, a patronage system where people's relationships are based on needs and favors. We live in a culture where people don't give a shit about each other or the greater good of the nation so long as they get theirs. We are divided and conquered. To a smart man, Philippine society is just begging to be raped and plundered.
So where do dynasties figure into this? The answer is that it doesn't. Dynasties are really just incidental to the main problem. Dynasties exist because of the Filipino's family-oriented nature and because Philippine society is rigid with very little social mobility; power and wealth tend to be kept within established families. The elites use family members as an assurance that everything "will be kept in the family." It just a trust thing basically.

Even if you do take away dynasties the elite will just find ways around it like funding spineless stooges and cronies to run for office to carry their agenda. There's no shortage of morally bankrupt people in the Philippines. People who focus too much on dynasties are really unimaginative and small-minded. Qualified candidates still won't magically appear out of thin air then because they still cannot win. The power, wealth and means to win office are still in the elite's corner. I mean really, they still hold all the cards! If not their own family, just use a puppet. The people's voting behavior and preferences won't change anyway. Just promise them stuff. The same mistakes will be made again and again and again and again. Banning dynasties doesn't address the problem that is our culture of dependency and patronage.
The people must be the ones who change.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

New New Year Resolutions

The new year resolutions I made last January are down the drain. But then again, there's always the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations.

Time to start over with some new ones.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Apparently, there was a scandal involving a student in the same college I study at. It involves a sex video which shows, as my good friend was all too eager to show me, a woman clearly dressed in the school's uniform doing things most orally unhygienic.
I don't know why the man who took the video of himself getting his happy ending would release it on the internet but I bet it's no good one. Needless to say, the woman took a break from school. She was allegedly a bright one; a dean's lister or something. Go figure.
As a result, the school posted that undergraduates no longer had to wear the uniform until further notice. It seems students were being heckled for wearing the school uniform by people who had nothing better to do than to watch pornography. I guess if you don't like the uniform policy some good...came out of it for you as well.
See, this is why I think uniform policies are stupid. If there were no school uniforms, none of this wouldn't have happened. She would have just played on in normal clothes and nobody would give even a fourth of a rat's ass.

Edit: Correction; the woman wasn't expelled or suspended but continued schooling in secret.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Haha! Here's A Video

I think I've said all I can about Honest Hearts. It's really just a positive story about religion. Here's some music from a band called Disagree.