Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Avengers

I went to see The Avengers today. Come to think of it, i haven't watched a movie for a long time. I think this is the first movie I've seen in the theatre this year.

Anyway, I'll keep it short. It's a nice popcorn film. We already know how the story will go. It has funny bits and cool scenes. Tony Stark was the best character in the film and Samuel L. Jackson should have yelled more because he seemed only slightly pissed.

Now that I've seen it, I can ignore the damn hype.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I haven't had a good sleep for a long time. I'm gonna take some of these here Melatonin pills.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cena Ruins Extreme Rules

I watched the WWE's recent PPV, Extreme Rules. The main event was a match between John Cena and Brock Lesnar. John Cena is the face of the WWE and, as I have probably written in the past, has a stale gimmick and move set. Brock Lesnar is a huge, muscular murder machine (a super soldier experiment by Nazis I theorize) who left the WWE for a career in MMA. After winning championships by pounding strangers into paste, He's back and he's even more of a dick than before and, considering that this is a guy who pushed a one-legged Zack Gowen down a staircase, that's saying something.

The other matches were awesome too but I want to write about this one. It was brutal. Barely three minutes in and Cena was already cut open. Brock manhandled Cena to the point that even I began to get those, "Is this real?" feelings. Seriously, I thought that the people's hatred of Cena, including mine, had finally gotten him killed. After an intense match, the likes of which haven't been seen in a while, it looks like Cena is done for.

Then he fucking ruined it.

After being put into a meat grinder for twenty minutes John Cena goes hollywood, hulks up in the end and beats Brock with a few moves in the last minute.

Goddamn it all.

Alright, John Cena "cheated"(technically it wasn't illegal) by using a chain around his fist but that's not the point. We've all seen this shit a million times before. John Cena get's his second wind and overcomes all odds etc. even after such an incredible beating. It didn't make sense for me.

To make matters worse, Cena gave a little speech in the end saying how badly hurt he was. Well, no shit. Hey, here's an idea; how about you get carted out by the medical team to make it look like you got hurt instead of just holding your arm and saying that it hurts? It's called "selling" people and you need to "sell" a beating not only because that's how pro wrestling fucking works but also since that's a must for suspension of disbelief. Cena says he's so badly hurt that he probably won't be around for a while (which was proven false by appearing on RAW the next night) and for people to drive home safely or something. What bullshit.

You know, this is what I really hate about Cena's character. No matter what happens to him, nothing happens to him. He gets steamrolled by Brock and he makes a damn speech and shows up fine the next night. He gets his ass handed to him by the Rock at Wrestlemania and it barely affects his ego or character despite saying how it was so important to him to win. He gets into an ambulance match with Kane which is supposed to be a brutal match where you have to beat your foe senseless to stuff him in an ambulance. NOPE! Cena's all smiles in the end despite getting smashed by the "monster" Kane. Can't Cena sell anything?

Oh yeah, the only thing he sells is merchandise.