Monday, April 23, 2012

Blood And Boobs!

I'm a fan of the TV series, Game of Thrones, on HBO. I haven't read the book it was based on but the story seems intriguing.

But one thing that bugs me is the "blood and boobs" approach the series has. If we aren't treated to a scene of grisly violence, it's a scene of gratuitous sex. Now I understand that this is "adult" stuff and that stories in realistic medieval settings aren't all meadows and sunshine but come on, it's going a bit overboard. In episode two of season two, they went with three sex scenes in a row! One of which, a guy got a BJ in the most casual way you can imagine. He got his winky whacked when he wasn't even paying attention. Maybe it just happened and he was powerless to stop it.

Now in episode 4, we're shown scenes of depraved torture and killings. Heads on spikes! Rats boring holes through people's chests!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sensitive to violence. I'm not some precarious, prudish protestant prattling on about prolific and promiscuous penile penetrations. I just feel that sometimes the producers are telling us that we're stupid and that we can't focus on the show if there aren't any tits or cool decapitations or something. A lack of faith of the audience or the material? Anyway it's just my opinion. It's just that I thought the book was more classy or something but I never read it. Maybe the book had sex and stabbings on every other page?

Maybe this blog needs some boobs.

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