Monday, June 13, 2011

Back In The Saddle

Another year of law school has just begun.

I feel anxious and relieved. I'm anxious because of the hardships that will no doubt be ahead. Yet, I'm relieved that I have something to do. The monotony of Summer has disappeared.

I mentioned before that life is a balance. I've found that too much free time can be a bad thing. An idle mind is a devil's workshop. That old saying is true. There's a certain negative energy in idleness. Some people, like me, tend to think negative thoughts in prolonged periods of boredom. Every little slight, every annoyance gets inflated. When you have nothing to hold your attention, what gets it is the little things instead. Something goes wrong and I blow up and get frustrated the whole day. So its good to have something to preoccupy the mind to keep your mind off things. Others create trouble when they are idle. But if you believe in energy or a mystical force, idleness isn't something calm or neutral. It's negative. I think its unnatural. Man wasn't meant to hide caves but to go hunt beasts and invent fire. Imagine a stagnant pool with debris and gunk collecting in it. Our energy should flow and move with the earth and seasons.

I guess its not so bad.

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