Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Story of Starcrap 2 Part 3: Space Magic

So yeah. One of my biggest gripes is about the mysterious artifact fragments which you spend a lot of time collecting. Arthas, I mean, Valerian claims he can create a device which can reverse the infestation of Kerrigan. Raynor believes him instantly because Raynor's a stupid Marty Sue who's still not over the guilt he feels towards Kerrigan. Seriously man, let it go.

I wonder why Arthas would call Kerrigan "The Queen of Blades". I mean, it's Kerrigan's self-styled name. Nobody called her that. Would you call your hated enemy by her own title? Anyway, that's minor shit, doesn't really matter.

I really admire Matt in the above cutscene. It was damn good of him to call Raynor out for risking essentially the entire rebellion for a farfetched (in retrospect) plan to save his girlfriend. It felt, for even just a moment, like two well written characters were actually interacting and conflicting with each other. Matt makes a good point but since Raynor is the big damn hero, DoorMatt goes along with it.

My question remains: How the hell does Arthas even know what the artifact was capable of? He doesn't mention how he knows for sure. In fact, it was only in the very end when they were surrounded by all sides by Zerg that they finally got it to work. So how the hell does Arthas know what the supposed ancient piece of shit artifact can do? I thought about it and maybe the Moebius Foundation told him. But then again, how did the Moebius Foundation know? We're not told much about the Moebius Foundation and how they know so much about an artifact that was only recovered recently. No shit. They didn't even get their hands on the damn thing yet and already they know it can reverse Zerg infestation that basically mutates DNA. How can it reverse genetic mutation from the Zerg? Well, all questions can be answered in two words: space magic.

All we know about Moebius is that it's run by a Dr.Narud. Wait... Narud backwards is DURAN! OHMYGODWTFBBQ!!! Whatever. Duran was the mysterious guy, who might not even be human, from the first game who knew about the hybrids. If anyone/anything would know about the artifact it would be Duran. I sincerely hope Dr.Narud isn't Duran. I mean, COME ON. Backwards naming? The writers must think we're so stupid and easily impressed like fans of the new Transformers movie. Dr.Narud...It must be a a trick, it's too damn simple! It must be a "red herring" of some sort, oh God please!

I feel like punching something.

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