Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Entry

The world is rotten.

Welcome all to my blog. I am That Guy and I've been meaning to start my own blog for a while but didn't have the energy to get off my ass and do it. Well times are pretty "interesting" here and around the world so it's a good time to start writing about how crappy it is. This blog is just my two cents. I don't write for anyone and I write whatever the hell I feel like.

About me, I live in Cebu. Cebu is a tiny and insignificant island in the middle of a larger group of tiny, insignificant islands collectively known as the Philippines, you know, that country in East Asia that's NOT China, Korea or Japan. You may have missed it. Anyway, I'm in college and studying Political Science but don't expect any smart-ass anal-ysis of Philippine politics here. Instead, expect hatred and sarcasm because frankly, Philippine politics is horse shit, and I write that with a straight face. Don't get me wrong, I dont want to be another Filipino bitching about how shitty my government is or how the President is scum or something like that because shit, we have too much of that floating around already. I just write what I observe and if you saw the things I see here in the Philippines, well, It's stupid! It's hilarious! It's stupid! It's cruel! It's stupid! It's comedy gold!

I plan to update on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Maybe. Whatever. If I get around to it, I'll do it. Since science has proven that Monday is THE worst fucking day in the entire week, I'll probably rant about something that pisses me of. On Wednesdays maybe I'll write about daily life to help you fall asleep. On Fridays, maybe I'll write about movies, video games and other fun garbage that I use to distract me from my meaningless life. On Sundays maybe some religious or "philosophical" bullcrap. I'm not religious or much of a philosopher so expect the third.

That all.


  1. So that's Monday for rants, Wednesdays for daily life and Fridays for the fun stuff.. How very scheduled..Heheh.. ;D

  2. Pls. add pictures. K, thanx.
