Monday, December 9, 2013


I wonder how President BS Aquino will be remembered in history.

I'm sure his propagandists are hard at work crafting a suitable legacy even if that legacy is just a fabricated image. It seems like only yesterday Cory Aquino died. I remember that time. It seemed her body wasn't even cold yet and PNoy seized the opportunity to run for President. I'll give him credit, it was the perfect time. The Aquino name plastered all over the headlines, name recognition in an all time high, the sympathy vote... Hell, the story of the son of heroes off to finish his parent's legacy practically wrote itself. The media had no problem with it. They love the Aquinos.

I'll remember differently.

I'll remember an image-obsessed incompetent who merely rode in on a wave of public sympathy and had no great achievements in his prior service as a legislator. I'll remember a privileged, petulant, petty child who had an abnormal and irrational obsession with persecuting his political enemies. I will never forget that travesty of a trial where the highest magistrate of the land was judged and bought low by thieves who we now know were paid off. I'll remember a poor excuse of a man who wouldn't take responsibility for anything and spent much of his efforts blaming others. 

I'll remember a terrible leader who presided over the decay of every single institution of the country from top to bottom, left to right, the executive, legislative and judiciary. A rot accelerated by his ironically named Development Acceleration Program. I'll remember a leader who was not up to the task in the face of a national crisis; a man who sowed division even in the worst of times and the worst yet is still to come.

Don't drink the yellow Kool Aid.

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