Sunday, December 15, 2013


Justin Bieber visited Tacloban last week. He sang, shot some hoops and did the usual charity stuff. He raised several millions of pesos and has effectively done more for the victims than that asshat Mar "Bahala ka na rin sa buhay mo" Roxas.

Seriously, Mar should go put his head in a blender. Thousands dead or dying and the only thing he was worried about were surnames? Throwing around words like "de facto" and "de jure" as if it meant anything... If only he were a Japanese politician then maybe he would have done us all a favor and killed himself by now. Speaking of death, his boss, President BS Aquino recently came out to defend his underling saying it was he who ordered Mar to ask for papers authorizing the national government to intervene; papers that were totally unnecessary and had no legal basis. I don't get it. How does admitting that he was guilty of the same idiocy help either person? Maybe our politics obsessed President sucks at politics too.

Anyway, I don't like Justin Bieber. It's not hatred, I just don't like him. I don't fit the target demographic anyway. Some people say Justin was just exploiting the situation for good publicity. What's wrong with that? It was a win-win. The victims get support from his fans as well as funds and Justin gets good press to soften his "brat" image. You can't hope that people are altruistic. Sometimes there's gotta be some tit for tat. That's business. 

That's life I suppose.

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