Sunday, July 26, 2009


Tomorrow the President is going to give the State Of The Nation Address. Whoopee. Whatever. Look, I know how its going to go. GMA is gonna point out a bunch of figures showing how good everything is and this and that all to rounds of applause from supporters. Its going to be boring.

I can't really bring myself to hate the President like the stupid liberals in college. She is only carrying out her duty as a scapegoat for our collective failure, presiding over our dysfunctional democracy where officials are forced to play politics instead of governing. This will be her last SONA or is it? There is a lot of rumors going around that the President is going to extend her term and by rumors, I mean bullshit. She isn't going to extend her term, being President is a crappy job. After this, she's probably going to represent her district or get some other cushy government job. Extending her term by hook or crook is just going to lock her out of politics forever and she's too smart for that.

But I just had a funny thought. Wouldn't it be awesome if GMA, our President, goes up on that stage and just gives everyone the finger? After that, she just rants on stage about how stupid everyone is and actually reveal herself to be a genius with a British accent. Nobody would expect that and that would make a great report in our Political Science classes.

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