Monday, August 15, 2022

Some Bad Shit That Happened Somewhere

While on the road, I passed beneath an overpass and then had an amusing thought: what if this thing suddenly collapsed and crushed me to death? What if it crushed all the homeless people living underneath it too? What if turned into some freak disaster where a thousand people died?

What would probably happen in situations like this, at the very least, is that it would trend on social media. There would be hundreds of cell phone camera footage of the collapse. There would be footage of the dead bodies of course, blurred just enough to be "decent" but gory enough to sate the typical viewer's bloodlust. If it's bad, it will trend nationwide. If it's really bad it'll trend worldwide. People will tweet sad emojis offering their thoughts and prayers and then angry emojis saying that accidents can only happen under a Marcos presidency.

Here comes the funny part.

When some bad shit that happened somewhere trends on social media, the government agencies responsible and the opportunistic politicians rouse from their torpor to make hay of the incident. They'll tell us it's fine. No, even better. They'll tell us that they're working on a solution to make sure tragedies like this will never ever occur again in the history of the Philippines. They will scream to the heavens that from this point forward, overpasses shall be banned in the city and the entire country. The companies responsible for building the overpass will be dragged before the court of Law and will (maybe) be sentenced after an absurdly lengthy trial. Legislators will attempt to pass even more new laws while government agencies also attempt to pass their own rules. Soon there will be new regulations telling construction companies important facts such as how to mix cement and why it's very important that structures don't collapse. There will be rules on the maximum weight limit of cars allowed on overpasses (which are outlawed). We will suffer a month or two of this and then forget the incident happened.

Okay, maybe it wasn't that funny.

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