Sunday, January 2, 2022

It's a Start

 It's been a while and I suppose I owe the three people who read this blog an explanation.

When I look back to all the things I've written in this blog, I find that a lot of it is gibberish. These past few years have been strange for me. No, it's not politics or the pandemic. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, my view of the world and of life in general has changed. I realized that nothing is what it seems and I don't really know anything.

Nothing is what is seems. The world is full of lies. Even those things which aren't purposely misleading could just be illusions. I am a human being of limited faculties. I only have five senses and they're not even that great. Things I see or hear may not be accurate and even then, it's filtered into a brain with limited intelligence and inherent biases. 

It grieves me to say that people are not who they seem either. As if my trust issues weren't bad enough, I've observed that people are so inconstant. Given the right circumstances, people who you think are above misbehavior will happily do so and justify themselves after the fact. Worse still, this is perfectly normal, I do it myself. People are not who they say they are and virtue-signaling peacocks on social media are fools. Very few people have ever been put to the test.

So what's all this have to do with this blog? To put it simply, I felt discouraged and lost confidence...for the past two to three years apparently. I no longer believed in what I was writing.

But I've decided to try again. Why now? Good question. Why now, especially after a super typhoon wrecked my hometown and I can only get electricity and internet connection three times a day? Why not?

As strange as it sounds, knowing that everything is so unclear brings a certain clarity in one's perspective. Everything seems so light now. I can't describe it very well but it's like not caring so much anymore, you know? And so I am resolved to just write about whatever now, to hell with everything. Even if it's not the absolute truth or some mind-blowing piece of wisdom, you shouldn't be reading this blog for that anyway. I write partly for myself. It's an exorcism.

More to come, hopefully.

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