Friday, January 1, 2021

Annus Horribilis

Happy new year? Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we?

So 2020 wasn't so hot. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was uncharacteristically optimistic that someone it would get the mess sorted and figure something out. What has become clear is that the people at the top can't really do much and a lot of the ordinary people are selfish. 

There also seems to be a lot of distrust of institutions. Is it really the people's fault though that their leaders give very little reason to trust them? This is the age we are in now. There's just to much information out there to piece together and make sense of. Everyone has an agenda, even the media. By all means, puzzle it out for yourself. There are a lot of interpretations out there, some of which are unfairly labeled as "conspiracy theories". I never liked the way "conspiracy theory" is treated as a dirty word. Conspiracy theories are cool. I believe some of them. It's the effect of info overload so don't blame me. We're destined to become conspiracy theorists sooner or later.

So what of 2021? Who knows, really? Wishing someone "happy new year" is like wishing them a "safe trip", as if there was a damn thing we can actually do about it. Still, it helps to be optimistic. 

So far I've broken only half of my new year resolutions; a pretty good start.

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