Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Miss Universe ng Buhay Ko

Last Monday, the people at the office were all abuzz about the Miss Universe competition. They were glued to the radio and whooped and clapped. It was the same situation for the other offices in the building.

If you think this is the part where I decry the fact that people are paying more attention to a beauty contest than important issues, you'd be wrong. Let's be honest, have you seen the headlines lately? It's depressing shit. What would you rather watch: a bunch of drop-dead gorgeous women or a bunch of congressmen in session? Would you rather see people making merry and having fun or people talking about the brutal, senseless murder of a foreign national? Would you rather see babes in swimsuits or the slow-motion collapse of society?

Forget the usual tut-tutting and just relax and drop out. If there was ever time to tune out and just let the cruel universe have its way with us, now is the best.

If Duterte won't let us have our wonderful drugs, we'll just dull our senses some other way, thank you very much!

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