Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Start With a Bang?

The new year has barely begun and already half my new year resolutions are broken.

"Happy" new year, eh? I guess we'll just have to see about that, won't we?

What is it about the media's obsession with firecracker-related injuries? Statistically, they're insignificant. Yes, they happen. It's impossible to have zero firecracker injuries nationwide. But what's the point? Who cares?

Then there's the stray bullets. Tragic, true but then again, it just happens. People are stupid and fire guns indiscriminately sometime. Big whoop. A more interesting statistic would be injuries from discriminate firing. How many got hit by guns fired at them on purpose or are people in no mood for that during the holidays.

It's just one of the media potboilers. It's just another one of those standard things we're supposed to talk about. Unless the number of injuries even reaches close to the amount of people allegedly killed in the "drug war", I doubt there's any sense to a moral panic.

Yeah, just rambling to show I haven't died yet. 

Slow day....

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