Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Drug Alley

There's a common road outside our property that's used as right-of-way for several of the houses and condominiums further away from the main road. It has streetlights but the large branches stretching out from the trees in our yard provide areas of cover. In these shady spots, shady people do all sorts of evil.

We had known for a while now that people shoot up drugs just outside our house. It used to be that all the indications we saw of them were discarded bottles and syringes in the morning. But now, the criminals are so brazen. Sometimes you can see them shoot up right then and there. Just today, they were doing deals in broad daylight.

The drug is Nubain. I don't know much about it but it's enough to know that it's addicting and bad for you. How long will it be before peddlers of the more serious bad stuff use that spot for their sessions? How long till some poor sap gets mugged by some idiots on a high?

The police made a few rounds but they can't be there all the time.

There has to be a solution.

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