Thursday, April 16, 2015

MayPac: The Neverending Story

Not a single day goes by without the media doing a special report on how Manny Pacquiao is preparing for his fight against Floyd Mayweather. It's like watching the Rocky training montage nonstop 24/7. Try it. Watch the video below nonstop dawn till dusk and that's pretty much the Philippine media.

It's already declared as the fight of the century and if you judge how important something is based on web hits and traffic, then the upcoming bout is the most important thing to Filipinos at the moment. It's even more important than our looming power crisis or the bargaining away of our sovereignty to terrorists for a vague promise of peace.

It's really amazing how so much attention and energy is given for what is simply a boxing match between two millionaires. What's even more amazing is how the hype is being maintained daily with no signs of dying down. I think it's too much. Normally. I'd gripe about how our nation has its priorities all mixed up and how its citizens care more for an inconsequential bout than real issues of substance but that's too easy. It's just too easy.

I don't think our problems will go away after this boxing match. The sun will still rise over this country and its wretched people. The idiot will still be President. Nothing will change. Nothing ever changes.

For now, it's nonstop hype day in and day out. There's a lot of people who will make a lot of money out of this so if you don't care, you will be made to eventually.

What if Pacquiao loses though? Wouldn't that be something after all that hype?

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