Monday, February 2, 2015

The Lame Dove President

First of all, what happened to those SAF officers was barbaric. Those men didn't deserve to go out like that. It goes to show you how depraved and cruel our foes really are and how inept our political leadership has become.

So who's fault was it? Don't bother asking El Presidente. His entire term has been nothing but excuse after excuse after excuse. The only thing he seems to do is point fingers and blame his enemies whether real or imaginary. This is an absentee President totally devoid of any leadership qualities. He has proven once and for all he is incapable of making smart decisions and taking responsibility for his actions. I'm done. I've had it. I don't want to see his face on my TV or on the newspaper, I can't stomach it. I wish PNoy, his airhead sister Kris and his entire stupid entitled family would just fuck off forever from media and politics. It's abundantly clear they're no good; no good at all.

On Peace
I'm sick and tired of all the talk of "peace" making the rounds in the newspapers and media. The administration is hammering away on their talking point that we mustn't let the massacre stop the peace process. The administration has displayed an alarming lack of empathy and understanding. It's as if the lives of those men didn't matter. It's just 44 little speed bumps on the road to peace. How can a people so proud of its spirituality during the papal visit treat life so cheaply?

What irks me the most is this notion that "peace" will be the eventual result of the Bangsamoro swindle. Haven't you noticed? People seem to just assume that we're on a road to peace. I've got some bad news. Don't assume peace will be the definite and inevitable result of all this. That's what everyone thought when the Philippines made a deal with the MNLF long ago. Remember those jokers? Then we had the ARMM, an autonomous region just for the Muslims. Did lasting peace come? No. It's 2015 and we're still dealing with the MILF, a group that uses terror and violence to get their way. Now there's a BIFF group that claims to want a piece of the pie. It seems every time an administration has the hubris of assuming that peace will be achieved through pieces of paper, some alphabet soup organization just comes out of nowhere and ruins everything. What's next? Will we cut a deal with the BIFF too down the road only to have some group like, say, the STFU, to emerge and cause chaos?

Sometimes you have to fight for peace. I'm sorry if that sounds so terrible but it's true. Some people just cannot be reasoned with or have no intention to make nice at all. Just look at how those barbarians butchered the corpses of those officers. Do you want to put them in charge? Does the MILF even speak for the people of Mindanao? Did anyone elect them?

PNoy is hopelessly naive if he thinks this Bangsamoro deal will result in sunshine and rainbows in that godforsaken ass-crack of a region. His peace plan is in serious doubt now. So we've had an incompetent president who accomplished nothing of consequence throughout his entire term and now places all his chips on this gamble with a bunch of 7th Century barbarians. He's not a lame duck president; lame dove is more like it.

What Now? Politics...
If we had a real leader, we would have had an answer for this by now. Instead, we have politics rearing its goddamn ugly head again. You know, I never though I'd see the day that such blatant and shameless politicking would actually get a lot of people fucking killed but it's happened. We've hit rock bottom.

So PNoy and his buddy, suspended Chief of Police, Purisima did this? Again, nobody takes responsibility. The buck stops where? Why was Mar Roxas kept out of the loop? Why were so many people kept out of the loop? Why did nobody send any reinforcements? This whole thing stinks to high heaven. This whole thing stinks all the way to Malacanang.

What the hell is happening to us?

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