Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Hit The Road

Typhoon Ruby came and went. Like a Hollywood blockbuster, it was mostly hype. Some areas were devastated sure, but it was nowhere near the initial scare-mongering reports of it being "Yolanda-like". While damaged properties can be repaired and rebuilt, damaged personalities cannot and no personality suffered as much as Secretary Mar Roxas pictured below.
According to the news reports, Mar Roxas fell of his motorcycle while on his way to campaign inspect the areas affected by the typhoon. Let me be clear though. I'm not getting any perverted jollies from seeing him figure in an accident. As much as I dislike politicians, I don't go so far as to wish harm or death upon them. They are still human beans after all. Besides, there's no shortage of idiots on Facebook to do that for me.

Most of the comments remark about the fact that Mar wasn't wearing a helmet. But of course he wasn't wearing a helmet! How else would the people have seen the face of their lord and savior who personally took care of them during a calamity and who they must remember to vote for in the upcoming elections? Helmet requirements are for little people anyway. While Juan de la Cruz is stuck in line to go through ridiculous regulations regarding headgear and getting the appropriate stickers of approval for them and other asinine bullcrap, the government overlords need no such thing. Besides, I doubt there are any helmets big enough to accommodate the average politician's over-sized head.

But seriously, is Mar still trying? He hasn't gained any significant ground against his political opponents throughout the entire year. Binay is still the top name in the polls and yet, just when Binay's star begins to fall, another quickly rose to take its place. Grace Poe is now a serious contender apparently. So it's gonna be Binay against Poe, huh? She says she's not going to run but who believes that? Mar is out of the picture completely. He can't beat one enemy and now he has two to deal with (three if you count Mar himself).

I think Mar taking a spill on the bike is the worst thing ever for him. It's really very bad optics. Even the administration is making an enormous effort to bury what ought to be a minor incident because they know it's the kind of thing that ends dreams. The reason is that the accident is so symbolic. Just look at the picture. It's sobering. It's a picture of failure. It's one of those things that make a person say, "He's done. It's over. He's finished". It doesn't inspire any confidence and makes him look like a joke.

Maybe I'm wrong. Stranger things have happened. If a convicted plunder can still be elected as Mayor of Manila then maybe there's hope for a simple stooge like Mar. Oh well, sometimes its good to be a laughingstock; Filipinos often vote them for office. Keep at it Mar. Never change.

Many yet may make merry from Mar's motorized misadventures.

1 comment:

  1. Another great piece! Such a good writer. You make me proud always!
