Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The People vs. Pork

Cebu Rally
The rally in Cebu began in Fuente in the morning and marched towards Plaza Independencia. It was a sizable crowd but not so much that the plaza overflowed. They had an assortment of speakers from all sorts of sectors in the public.

It was a peaceful protest. Not much happened but the anger was there. I thought business would pick up when the usual leftist groups came out with their Che/Castro caps in an attempt to be relevant again. However, they seemed glad to just be out there and were content to sit in their side of the rally.  

The rally ended before lunch and seemed anticlimactic. All in all, the rally was, dare I say, "festive". The anger was still there, don't get me wrong.

Manila Rally
 The Manila rally on TV lasted from the morning to the afternoon. The news reports puts the number at a hundred thousand which is a little off from a million. But still, it was a varied crowd with multiple sectors showing up.

Something funny happened when the former Chief Justice showed up at the rally. I have a sense of humor but unlike me, the people were incapable of appreciating the delicious irony of the former Chief Justice's situation; that the judges who impeached him turned out to be biggest hypocrites on the planet. They booed him out of the rally. Shame. If you recall, after congress railroaded his impeachment, it was raining pork in the house as their reward.

If this were anywhere else in the world, I think it would have been really violent but whatever. The people didn't go all "Arab Spring" sadly and not a single truck was overturned.

If I could sum up the rallies in one word, it would be "tame".

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