Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Resident Evil CODE: Veronica: Twincest Wincest

It's the fourth installment of the RE series and they dropped the number!

The game stars Claire Redfield. You remember her don't you? She's still looking for her brother Chris. You know, I find it hard to believe Chris wouldn't get in touch with her instead. Anyway, it seems Claire took some lessons in John Woo gunfighting because I don't remember her being that badass back in 2. She gets her dumb ass captured in Umbrella's Paris facility and they ship her to Rockfort Island, wherever the hell that is.

To be honest, this is the Resident Evil game that I missed. I didn't own a Dreamcast and I got my PS2 late and missed this. Nevertheless, I took the time to watch playthrough videos on YouTube. Right away I noticed something weird about the game's background. RECV, as it turns out, uses 3D backgrounds instead of the pre-rendered stuff in the games prior. The advantage of this is that the background can change in real time. The background can react to changes of lighting for example or other gameplay effects like background damage. I didn't notice though. The camera angles are still either fixed in position or on a fixed angle.

They kept the 180 degree turn and drum barrels from 3 but left out the Live Selection feature and ammo crafting. There's no dodging either. Despite seeming like a step backwards, there are new features like dual wielding pistols wherein they lock onto two targets and you can now use green herbs right away instead of picking them. So yeah, it's kind of lame but it's not terrible.

There's a minigame called Battle Game wherein you choose different characters and fight through rooms of enemies to battle a character specific boss. Yeah, no. This minigame can't compare to Mad Jackal from 3. It's just my opinion based on what I've seen.

The story of RECV is the weirdest ever. So Claire gets captured by this guard named Rodrigo Raval. While on Rockfort Island, an air raid conveniently wipes out the population and releases a T-virus outbreak. Rodrigo let's Claire out because he's the only Umbrella employee with a conscience. Claire tries to escape but runs into a young man named Steve Burnside.

Oh boy, let me tell you about Steve. I knew he was going to be the fanservice character and love interest for Claire and all but I didn't know he was this obnoxious. The second I saw him, I hated him already. It doesn't help that he has the most atrocious voice acting I have ever heard. At least the voice acting in RE1 had a campy charm to it but Steve's voice is like a pencil being shoved into my ear.

Anyway, Steve tells Claire to shove off since She'd only "slow him down". In an island full of monsters, this idiot refuses to stick together because he has trust issues. Whatever. It's strange though how Claire and Steve are wearing civilian attire while the prisoner zombies are wearing uniforms. Claire eventually manages to find a computer to send a message out to Leon to tell Chris where she is. If she knew Leon and Leon knew where Chris was, why'd she go out and get herself captured looking for Chris? While sending the message, Steve throws a tantrum and says Chris won't come because people will just let you down. Jesus Christ, what an annoying, angsty piece of shit.

Claire and Steve find a spooky mansion at the other side of the island that is inhabited by the island's insane commander, Alfred Ashford. Claire solves a bunch of puzzles while Steve wanders off to be a useless asshole. Alfred is an insane man wearing an old tin soldier-type military uniform. He tries to kill Claire several times but has such terrible aim, he might as well be blind. His voice acting is just as bad as Steve's. Here's a clip of Alfred setting a trap for Claire.

Steve rescues her. They become friends but Steve can't get over his issues etcetera. You know how this goes. After playing Alfred and his twin sister Alexia's little games, they escape on a plane but the plane only goes to the Umbrella base in the Antarctic. Steve manages to wound Alfred. It's at this point that it's revealed that Alfred "really likes" his sister Alexia and that Alexia froze herself to do some kind of experiment. Alfred was crossdressing as his sister the whole damn time. I swear, this is some crazy shit. Alfred dies but Alexia wakes up and she has super powers. Shit. Claire and Steve are now trapped.

The Ashford twins are the children of Alexander Ashford, one of the founders of Umbrella. He's their "father" insofar as he created them from the DNA of the Ashford matriarch, Veronica, and his own. The twins were too crazy and killed him. Alexia was some kind of super genius who graduated college at ten and was obsessed with the T-Veronica virus. Whatever. The less backstory we go into, the better.

Meanwhile, Chris arrives in Rockfort after receiving the message. He's still wearing his STARS uniform for some reason despite being in hiding. He encounters his old pal, Wesker who just happened to be there! Talk of Wesker's death had been grossly exaggerated. Worse, he has super strength and speed now. Wesker really has come along hasn't he? He's gone from a cop in a small garbage town to an asshole with superpowers. His sunglasses were just hiding his mutant glowing eyes of doom. Does this mean Wesker had superpowers in RE1? Maybe not but still...

Wesker's agenda is Alexia and her research. Chris just wants to save his sister. He goes to Antartica on the trail. I'm surprised that Claire, Steve and Chris last quite a while in those clothes with the freezing temperatures. Steve turns into a monster and dies. Good. While being a monster, Steve gains his consciousness and saves Claire. He dies as himself and confesses his love. Moving on...

Chris manages to defeat the mutant Alexia with a conveniently placed "Linear Launcher" or in other words, a freaking plasma rifle. Long story short, they escape from Alexia and Wesker and they can put this whole "incest with your twin" thing in the past. Wesker gets a sample of whatever the hell he went there for. He's all about samples.

I should play this game...or on second thought, maybe not.

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