Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stronghold 3

I finally got my hands on Stronghold 3. Dissapointment doesn't even describe it.

I didn't have incredible expectations but damn, is this game unpolished. There are bugs here and there. It was lower than my low expectations.

The gameplay is incredibly hard and seemingly unbalanced. They changed the popularity vs. population growth system from the last game. Loss of food (which happens too often) impacts your popularity instantly leading to the frustrating downward spiral where people don't move to your castle because there's no food and there's no food because no worker will move into the castle.

Walls can't seem to stop arrows which kind of defeats the whole purpose of walls. The game is way too slow. It takes forever in real time to get the economy up and running. Maybe there's a speed increase option but there cetainly is no mention of it in the tutorial. The tutorial is way too simplistic and woefully unprepares a beginner for the micromangement necessary in some missions. I'm not being pretentious but the missions here have been frustrating so far and so SLOW. There's new music but hearing the same songs from the previous games is a bit tiresome.

They better release one hell of a patch.

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