Thursday, July 7, 2011

The People's Fist

Recently, the mayor of Davao, who's a daughter of the local ruling clan, punched a sheriff who was trying to carry out a demolition order. Mind you, it wasn't girly punches but man punches. Given the things I hear about Davao, I guess this is how they do business over there or something.

The most disturbing thing about this is how people support her for what she did, praising her for fighting for the "rights of the landless". At worst, praising her out of some warped idea of girl power. Reading the idiotic comments cheering her act in public forums makes me physically ill because this is so wrong that it boggles my mind how people can see this that way.

Rights of the landless? What about the rights of the guy who actually won the case? Oh well, whats his vote compared to the hundreds of landless.

The sheriff doesn't have discretionary power. When the court tells him to do something, do you really think he can just say no or maybe later? He was just a government worker doing his job which is remarkable in itself. The mayor's excuse that a riot was gonna happen and that he should have waited since she was negotiating is bullshit. I reiterate, waiting it out is not the sheriff's call. Second, are we just not gonna enforce the law if people complain hard enough? If the people can just scare off the police by threatening to fight then what good is the government? Smells like Ochlocracy.

The mayor was a lawyer too by the way. Well that's a relief. If an "exceptional individual" like that can become a lawyer then I figure my chances are pretty high.

Coincidentally, Legal Ethics is only 5% in the Bar. Go figure.

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