Sunday, April 3, 2011

Krieg Krieg Krieg

Cinemax has been offering a nice collection of war movies lately. This morning, I missed most of The Bridge Over The River Kwai which is sad but I just saw The Battle of The Bulge a while ago. I think I already saw it but its nice to watch again. It is a good movie.

One thing that always grabs my attention in old war movies like this is how the Germans are always yelling the same old stock phrases. "Achtung!" "Schnell, los!" "Halt!" "Hande hoch!" and "Raus!" It is to be expected but what bothers me is that they not only use the same words but they also sound exactly the same every instance their said. I might be imagining things but I think all WW2 war movies use these phrases like stock sound effects. I think they might have a cabinet labelled "General Purpose Nazi Sounds" or something and just reuse it like the Wilhelm Scream.


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